January 1998

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24th January 1998 - Vote for CMI again!!
PC Gamer are holding a game of the year poll too... Click Here and go and vote for CMI!

Sorry, i`m adding this late... but someone called Howlin' Mad just emailed me to say that CMI is now listed in The Internet Movie Database... so go and have a look!! I`ve found a few surpises already. Earl Boen who does LeChucks voice also played Dr. Silberman in The two terminator films. Also Neil Ross who did Wallys voice also did a number of voices for The Transformers cartoons including Springer in the Movie version. (Hey, I thought it was a cool Cartoon!! :)

And while we are on the subject of Transformers... Gregg Berger who did Cutthroat Bills voice also did Grimlocks voice. hmmm... I could go on for ages, go see for yourself.

21st January 1998 - Vote for CMI
Yes, Vote for CMI as the best Adventure game of 1997 at Avault. At the moment, CMI is ahead with 35% of the votes at the time of writing. So get Voting!! Oh yeah... and while your at it... vote for Wing Commander Prophecy too ;)

13th January 1998 - IRC Chat Logs
Well... the chat seemed to be a reasonable success. It seemed well organised and with the exception of a few impolite people, it all seemed to go well. Unfortuanatly, not everyones questions where answered... but we had a reasonable selection. If you want to see a log of the chat... there are two versions that I have. A Cut-Down version (29kb) with just the quesions and answers with a few comments from the people logged on. The second log is a Uncut version (86kb) which is difficult to view, but it shows everything that went on.

"Speaker CCCMyst:" is the person asking the questions sent in by people and "Speaker LucasArts:" is Jonathan Ackley and Larry Ahern kindly answering our questions.

And they even said some kind words about the Scumm Bar!! Thanks Guys!

12th January 1998 - MORE IRC Chat Details!!
Thanks to MrNemo's detective skills we have a few more details about the chat. As I type there are only 4 hours until the chat... so I hope this gets to people in time. See the section below for the basic details.

You can either goto Talk City and use a Java program to access the chat... or use mIRC if you like that better (See below for log on details). Join #lucasarts for the chat. Type /join #lucasarts to join. Don`t worry if you join and you end up in #lucasarts4 or #lucasarts10, it's probably how it works or it's just not set up yet. It should be setup half an hour before the chat starts.

9th January 1998 - IRC Chat with The Creators of CMI!!
First off.. sorry for not updateing recently, I did actually get a new free server and I did I large update for that... but alas, the server was far too slow. Took about 5mins just to log onto the page. Oh well... I should have some space on my local server soon, so I`m keeping my fingers crossed.

Anyway... HOT NEWS!!! LucasArts are holding a Live chat with Jonathan Ackley and Larry Ahern, Co-Project Leaders on CMI. It is being held on Talk City on Monday, January 12th at 7pm PST (10pm EST and 3am GMT) so go and look at the details (looks like I`m in for a very late night). You can use IRC to log on too... just connect to chat.talkcity.com on port 6667. Type /server chat.talkcity.com 6667. I`m not too sure what the channel name is, probably #lucasarts or #cmi. I`ll put up the channel name as soon as I know it.

There are LOADS more Fan Reviews to read in the CMI Section.

I`ve decided to keep the new Background as alot of people seem to like it. A few didn`t, but alot more did... thanks to all those who emailed me letting me know what they thought.

Problem? Then please e-mail Skyfox.

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