May 1998

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30th May 1998 - Fan Work
This is amazing... Iris Dragt has made the first few pages of a Monkey Island Comic, head on over to his page and veiw it. Be warned, the pictures are large but well worth it. Also, Netscape may have some problems veiwing the page URLs. If so.. just add %20 instead of the space in the URL. (for example Page%201.html)

Also, Modvark has done some oustanding Monkey Island pictures. I apologise to him for not putting these up sooner. Picture 1 "Got Grog?" and Picture 2 "Monkey Island meets Star Wars".

Having just installed IE4 (What possessed me to do that?!) this page should look better in IE4 now.

Don`t forget to get all the latest E3 news regarding LucasArts over at LucasFans.

28th May 1998 - LucasArts Monkey Survey!
Ravi was kind enough to point out that LucasArts have a Monkey Survey up at their site. So if you have bought Monkey Island 3 go and fill it in!!

LucasArts also has "The LucasArts Preview Showcase" with previews of all their latest game.. Including Grim Fandango and Indy 3D.

Finally, you may have noticed that one of the Ron Gilbert Interviews has been removed, this has been done at the request of the copyright holder, Graphic Adventures. It will return once his site is back up... Sorry folks.

Ready for a surprise?

17th May 1998 - Are Adventure Games Dead?
A rather serious topic... but it's a valid one. I had forgotten to mention this, but OGR had an Article called "Are Adventure Games Dead?", stating how CMI only 'made around $3.4 million'. Our hopes now stand on the success of Grim Fandango, so let's all start getting excited about Grim! (Oh, you already have?) The LucasArts Database has a Movie of Grim to download, I`m still to take time to download it, but go take a look.

On the subject of 'the death of adventure games', we discussed it on the #monkey-island IRC chat channel, and alot of people had interestiong veiwpoints. We actually beat the record for the number of people logged on at once, so it was a bit hectic at times... the new record is 30.

Finally, Modvark discovered something interesting, while browsing through the IMDB he found a character called The Hon. Galahad Threepwood on a TV series called Heavy Weather which aired in 1995. Check it out here. These Monkey Island fans get everywhere don`t they :-)

9th May 1998 - R.Gilbert 15th most Influential person!
GamesSpot has run a feature called The Most Influential People Of Computer Gaming, and Ron Gilbert was placed at #15 in The Fifteen Most Influential People in Computer Gaming of All Time section. Thanks go to Matthew Symns for letting me know about this!

8th May 1998 - Ron likes CMI!!!!
Yes! You read that right... Ron Gilbert, the creator of the best adventure game series in the known universe (That's Monkey Island just in case you're new) said "he was really impressed with the game" except for one thing. Where am I getting all this from? Well, someone called Strider emailed me and told me about OGR's coverage of the 'Computer Game Developer's Conference', there is an Article called "Legends of Gaming". Want to know what Ron didn`t like about the game? Want to see what else he said? Then get going!

7th May 1998 - CMI Midis
Highland Productions is the name of the new site created by those talented two known as Andrew "telarium" Langley and Jimmi "Serge" Thøgersen. "So what?" you may ask? Well, they have made it their mission (am I being to dramatic here?) to arrange/perform/record/rip midis of the music from our favourite LucasArts games. So far there are two CMI midis and a Zak McKracken one. All three are of high quality and are well worth listening to. I`ll add them to the Downloads soon... but for now, head on over there!

Our friend Kenpo is setting up is own Web Hosting service, but he needs a good URL name for it. So he needs YOU (yes you, you know who I mean!) to E-mail him Ideas for a cool URL name. The person who come up with the best name, one that Kenpo really likes.. will be given 15meg FREE webspace and a FREE E-mail Address. Please remember though.. the URL name must not have anything to do with Monkey Island and must not have any dashes in it. is not a good suggestion, is.. sorta. So please get E-mailing those suggestions!

The SCUMM Bar is now at #2 at thanks again to all who voted.

On a final note.. a few people may be interested to know that 'Simom the Sorceror III' is in the works. I know this has nothing to do with Monkey Island or LucasArts, but the original 'Simon the Sorceror' was done in a style very similar to Monkey Island, almost the same Control System in fact. The first game also had the voice of 'Chris Barrie' (Rimmer from 'Red Dwarf'). Recommended!

2nd May 1998 - Exclusive! (Sorta)
There are so many Exclusives about today... I can`t keep up, so the SCUMM Bar has sorta got it's own little exclusive thanks to Howlinmad! He has kindly sent me an Interview with Ron Gilbert from 1992! It's an interesting read and we find out that Ron was hoping to have something to do with MI3.

Also, waikiki of has asked me to post this message (a while ago, eeek! Sorry for the delay waikiki).

The International house of mojo is looking for some people to construct /move their already existing pages to it's server and be hosted @ (coming soon) the pages should be on the following lucas arts games: the DIG , indiana jones and Full Throtle - one page per game. anyone interested please mail waikiki.

I`ve got a few CMI Fan reviews and Link to other MI pages to add... I should have this done by the next update. Sorry if you`ve been waiting.

Problem? Then please e-mail Skyfox.

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"You look like a flooring inspector to me." - Melee Island Lookout