Melee Island
Yet another sign of Monkey Island sneaks into Indy3D. This time Melee Island, you can see it just below the Gulf of Mexico. (You can also see El Marrow from Grim Fandango) Found by Captain Dread and emailed to me by Narrative.
Rubber Chicken (With a pulley in the middle) Captain Dread has kindly sent me a couple of new screenshots that show another Monkey Island easter egg in Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. All you have to do it use the 'makemeapirate' cheat (see news on 19th Nov) and pick up the Bazooka. Then watch the chickens fly!
Captain Dread also informed me that a Map of Melee Island appears on the 9th level... we shall try and get a screenshot of that too.
Also from the wonderful world of Captain Dread is LucasRadio! Have you ever wanted to listen to a live LucasArts radio station? Then this is the thing for you! It requires Winamp to work and may not be online all the time. Listen to LucasRadio now!
26th Nov 1999
MI4 again (yawn)
The Regulars section of the IRC pages has (finally) been updated... sorry for the delay to those poeple who have been waiting for to see their profile online.
Barbery Coast in Indy3D
Something interesting I found on a webpage today... it appears that on the final level of Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine you are able to gain access to a perfect 3D level of The Barbery Coast! (From CMI) If anyone has got this far.. please email me a screenshot and post your findings on the posting board. Do you think it may have been a test for a possible MI4? Were you impressed with it? Let us know!
Also, there is aparently a Guybrush Windows Icon included with the game. So if you didn`t plan on buying this game... have you changed your mind yet?
21st Nov 1999
Was it real?
MI4 date has gone
Yesterday it was reported that a website listed MI4 for a June 2000 release. For whatever reason, the website has now removed the date and any mention of MI4. This news was delivered by eLGee, JiveMonkey, Janne Liuhtonen and half the members of #monkey-island.
LeChuck popular? Sven Heidel from LeChimp's Webgurke emailed me with something Bill Roper (from Blizzard) said in PC Gamer when answering the question "Who's your favorite game character?"
"I have to pick one hero and one villain: In the role of our hero is Zeratul from StarCraft. An anti-hero scorned by the same species that eventually looks to him for salvation, he never falters on the journey down his chosen path.
On the other side of the coin, I can't resist the undead pirate LeChuck. He's a cruel taskmaster, carries a grudge, and has the greatest theme music of any character in any game, ever. What's not to like?"
Not to like? I`d point out that LeChuck spits a lot when speaking... I wouldn`t like that, but otherwise a good answer :-)
20th Nov 1999
Do they know something?
MI4 in June??
People have emailed me with info about a site that lists MI4 for release in June 2000! Do they know something we don`t? Anyway, check out, select Udgivelsesliste and see for yourself.
Remember, this is not really conclusive proof, but it only adds more fuel to the fire... people are talking, more so now that a 3D model of Guybrush exisits (see Indy3D news below). Thanks to Michael Smith, Narrative, eLGee and Mixnmojo for this news.
LucasArts Survey LucasArts have a huge Survey for you to fill in (oh the joy!). They want to know what you think, so be sure to tell them you want more adventures and that the SCUMM Bar is cool... oops, how did that get there! The survey is only available until the 3rd December. Thanks goto Telarium for this news.
Narrative sent me this interesting bit of info that he found while looking through the Indy3D game using SCUMM Revisited, he found some things mentioning a 'Guybrush Cheat'. See the result here.
But while reading over at, I discovered that something very Monkey Island like happens when you press F10 and then type makemeapirate followed by pressing Enter. Try it NOW!
18th Nov 1999
Half Million Monkeys
Recently The SCUMM Bar passed the Five Hundred Thousand hits mark! Only took us 3 years! You may be wondering why the numbers at the base of teh page don`t add up to 500,000... well, it's because the old URL still has a separate counter.
Sounds funny don`t you think? Andy Brown has been good enough to extract lots of sounds from CMI using SCUMM Revisited. All are in MP3 format and can be played using Winamp.
BARBERS.MP3 - "Welcome patron, to the barbery coast, where every haircut is an adventure." CHICKEN1.MP3 - El Pouyo Diablo, reply in English. CHICKEN2.MP3 - El Pouyo Diablo, reply in Spanish. DOODY1.MP3 - "I bet I could too, you big old bed-wetting doody-head!" DOODY2.MP3 - "I am a gentleman, you big old bed-wetting doody-head!" DOODY3.MP3 - "Did I mention you're a big old bed-wetting doody-head!" DOORSTOP.MP3 - "You're about a fearsome as a doorstop! Is it a really EVIL looking doorstop?" GUYBRUSH.MP3 - "Did you actually roll around in dung, or just dab a little behind each ear?" FOSSEY1.MP3 - 15 Men... FOSSEY2.MP3 - "Yes Threepwood, you've come aboard the sea cucumber! FOSSEY3.MP3 - "I, am Mr Fossey, i'm the first mate. And my captain? Why he's the SCURGE OF THE SEVEN SEAS!" MURRAY1.MP3 - "I'm going to wait for an owner, who understands my need to bring fear and pestilence, on the likes of YOU! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" MURRAY2.MP3 - "Get out of here, before I call up the demonic legions of hades and set them upon you like a swarm of angry locusts! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" MURRAY3.MP3 - "If you value your life, mere mortal, you will flee before Murray, scurge of the living, and uberskull of the underworld. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" MURRAY4.MP3 - "You would have made a lousy undead monster anyway!" OCEAN.MP3 - Guybrush sings "I've got a friend in the ocean" VENTRIL1.MP3 - Guybrush imitates Mr Fossey: "Uh, testing, testing. Uh.. Check 1, 2. Uh, uh.. 3. VENTRIL2.MP3 - Guybrush imitates Mr Fossey: "Captain LeChimp, i'm the real brains behind this crew!" VENTRIL3.MP3 - Guybrush imitates Mr Fossey: "I'm not pickin' nits of you anymore captain!" VENTRIL4.MP3 - Guybrush imitates Mr Fossey: "This whole ship, it stinks like a zoo!" 'VENTRIL5.MP3 - Guybrush imitates Mr Fossey: "You think you could maybe shave your back? It's reeeally disgusting!" VENTRIL6.MP3 - Guybrush imitates Mr Fossey: "Uh, p-p-p-p-permission to speak freely sir? YOU'RE A BIG DUMB MONKEY!" WOODEN.MP3 - Guybrush sings "Wooden leg, restless heart."
Top 10 Villains
A recent episode of the UK TV show Cybernet had a Top 10 Villains list... LeChuck was in there at Number 9.
Monkey Games
Do you want some free adventure games to keep you going? Give MonkeyGames Entertainment a look, it has some classics like The Treasure of Drunk Island.
From the 'Not MI related' Corner
If you haven`t yet... be sure to visit the LucasArts site and grab the demo of Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. Controls are a little annoying at first, but the level is loads of fun and it looks fantastic!
15th Nov 1999
Sad News
Mary Kay Bergman 1961 - 1999 Mary Kay Bergman, the actress who provided the voice of Minnie Stromie Goodsoup (The Ghost Bride) in CMI has passed away. I`m sure you will all agree she did an excellent job in CMI as well as in many other popular films, TV series and games, you can see a list of all her work at the IMDB. Also be sure to visit her site at and sign the guestbook there.
Feel like being Quized? Huz (that's Mr Fish to us) has noticed the lack of quizzes recently, so has kindly drawn up a set of (very tough) questions for your annoyance/pleasure. View Quiz #11 now. I scored 9/10, but only because I had my Amiga MI2 Box close by... you have been warned!
Do you have a MI Fan game?
If you do... then Spaff wants to hear from you! He is setting up a Fan games section at Mixnmojo so it would be worth mailing him if you have a game (and I know there are a few of them out there)
Grim and CMI
The LucasArt Company Store has a special offer selling CMI and Grim Fandango for the bargain price of $29.95. Well worth it if you don't have either game (why don`t you?? eh? eh?). Don`t forget that Indy3D is out too! So, when are they going to start taking orders from the UK?