29th October 1998 Ocean Bottom Blues Here is something new for you Monkey Island fans... a song inspired by Monkey Island. Here is what Earthshoe had to say about it.
Hey there, I'm mailing an mp3 I wanted to make available to people. This is a song I wrote inspired by Monkey Island 1, and it's performed by me and my band, 'the Last 2 Weeks'. I'll write out the lyrics in case anyone's interested. The song is about the point in the Monkey 1 when Guybrush has been tied to the idle of many hands and thrown into the bay by Festor Shinetop. It's basically Guybrush bitching about his feelings of inadequacy because not only did he make himself look like an idiot in front of Elaine, but then he got caught by the Sheriff and tossed into the ocean. Right now he almost believes he doesn't have what it takes to be a pirate. or something like that. I just thought this would be something kind of cool and different to see on a Monkey Island page.Download the MP3 which is about 2.47meg is size. Use Winamp to hear it and Go here for the lyrics. Many thanks to Earthshoe and his band!Also, for people who have emailed Profiles for the IRC page and Art for the Fanwork section... don`t worry, i haven`t forgotten to put them up on teh page, I`ll have that done soon :-)
25th October 1998 The Fans have Spoken Yes! In the recent Poll "Do you consider CMI to be a REAL Monkey Island game?" 83% said yes and only 17% said No. So at least it seems most of the fans consider CMI to be the real thing. Thanks to all who voted and you can see the results here! Dominic Armato, the Voice of Guybrush, has updated his webpage. He has some details about what he has been working on recently, including X-Wing Alliance and a Godzilla cartoon!
Due to reports of the plugins crashing the page, I`ve changed the way the midi plays on the page. It no longer plays automaticly, to hear it you have to click on the Start Midi Music link at the bottom left.
Oh yeah... in case you did know, Grim Fandango is due out in the US during the week of the 26th. eeep! That's tommorrow! I best keep a look out just in case the UK gets it too :)
New Site Links
The Monkey Island Fan Isle
18th October 1998 zzzrruuumm... vrrrooom!! In case you hadn`t realised, I was trying to make Lightsabre sounds in that topic. Why? Well read this amusing little story Dominic Armato (Voice of Guybrush) was good enough to share with us on #monkey-island last night. Somebody E-mailed me with an amusing Episode I story... no way to determine its veracity... but it was rather amusing anyway. Ewan McGregor and... oh nuts... I'm blanking on his name... big Irish actor (Liam Neeson). Anyway, Ewan McGregor and the big Irish actor whose name I'm strangely blanking on at the moment are filming a lightsaber duel... in the middle of the take, the unidentified Irish actor drops his sabre, storms off the set... The crew is cracking up, Ewan looks around wondering what the heck is going on, and Lucas just sits there, stony-faced... finally, Lucas walks up to Ewan, leans over and whispers to him... "Ewan... don't make the noises, okay?" :-) Like I said, no idea if it's true or not, but highly amusing anyway... Ewan's of that generation... I could see him making lightsaber noises without thinking about it :-)Also, we broke the record for the number of people on the channel at once during a chat.. the record was 30, but it now stands at 32.NetMonkey emailed me to let me know of some unfortunate news.. another great Adventure series has turned to 3D. Simon the Sorceror 3 will be in 3D, but I personally think the 3D graphics look better (apart from those close-ups) than Discworld Noir (see below). To go straight to see the graphics click here, or goto the Main page.
New fanart in the Fanwork section.
One last note... in yesterdays news it had the amount made by CMI from January to July 1998... please note this date, it was not quite the amount made by CMI since it's release. CMI Undoubtedly made a lot more than that in its first month of release. Cheers!
Problem? Then please e-mail Skyfox.
17th October 1998 CMI still selling! I apologise for the extreme lack of update recently, I`ve been a little busy and I`ll try to make up for it over the next week or so. ChiaPimp emailed me with some interesting facts to do with CMI, including how many units have been sold since July of 1998. Here is what was said:
The Curse of Monkey Island has made the #1 Adventure Game Rank of The Readers Top 100 Poll in the November 1998 issue of Computer Gaming World. this is the second month in a row now. On the over all list, it is tied at 24 with Ron Gilbert's Total Annihilation. Last month, it was #25 overall. Also, they released the top 12 selling adventure games for 1998 as of July, and surprisingly, Monkey Island took the #12 spot. It has sold 40,538 units so far in 1998 as of July, with a revenue of $1,576,281.00 American Dollars.MrMutton has created a midi of the peurto pollo music, Click Here to Listen!qg5.com has something about the campaign for a new category in the Grammys for "Best Original Music Soundtrack from an Interactive Game.", check it out here.
New Poll too... if you would liek to see the result of the last poll "Which was your favourite LeChuck?", then go here.
Grim Fandango has received high praise in the latest issue of PC Gamer UK, receiving a score of 95%, Ninty-Five!! Amazing! This is what they had to say:
"LucasArts at their perfect best. Play a gaming legend today." "Grim is a endlessly beautiful game."
Grim fandango Sites to Visit
The Grim Fandango Network Land of the Dead Grim Fandango Pardise
On a non-monkey island note, but still within the bounds of adventure games, PC Zone recently ran a preview of Discworld Noir, the third in the excellent Discworld series of (2D) adventure games. I was very disappointed to find it has gone 3D! Now I don`t really mind 3D, but I know alot of people do... and this 3D seems to be rendered and does not look like Grim Fandango's (which I was impressed with) at all. Here are a few pics and decide for yourself.
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