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October 1999

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27th Oct 1999 No chicken jokes, please
El POLLo Diablo
New poll is available for your voting pleasure. The results to the last poll were quite interesting, over 75% of you would like to keep LeChuck as the badguy. No surprise I guess.

Should LeChuck be the main Badguy if there is a 4th MI game?

Yes, keep LeChuck! - 536 - 75.92%
No, time for a new badguy - 133 - 18.84%
I don`t care - 37 - 5.24%

The World of Monkey Island
Something I forgot to mention yesterday... The World of Monkey Island has celebrated it's 2nd Birthday with a move to a new URL, a whole new look and a couple of MP3s to download!

Threepwood's Lair
This isn`t really Monkey Island related... but I discovered a website called Threepwood's Lair. It's based on the Warhammer tabletop games (which I am a fan of... well, the 40k series anyway) It was just good to see other Monkey Island / Warhammer fans out there so I just thought it was worth a mention :-)

26th Oct 1999 What a novel idea
Email the writer
You have read what there is of the MI Novel... you want to know where the rest of it is? You want to tell the writer how much you enjoyed it? Well now you can, Chris Gerrard finally has an email address (a bizzare one at that). Email him at

Monkey in your pocket?
Flirbnic from #monkey-island sent me a midi file of the Monkey in My Pocket song. Sung by Guybrush in CMI, I`ve made it available here for you to download.

Here are the words so you can sing along to the midi :-) (kindly provided by the CMI Strategy guide).

Oh, there's a monkey in my pocket,
And he's stealing all my change,
His stare is blank and glassy,
I suspect that he's deranged...
Or if you can`t be bothered reading, you can download the .WAV file of Guybrush singing it. (extracted from the game using the excellent SCUMM Revisited)


monkeyinmypocket.mid (4kb)
monkeyinmypocket.wav (380kb)

SCUMM Revisited v3 info
The SCUMM Revisited site has just released details of Version 3 of the program. Among the new featues included, will be a new interface, options for User-made plugins, the ability to extract fonts from CMI and cutscene music from The DIG.

14th Oct 1999 How Heroic
Guybrush number one hero!
Well how about that, GameSpot have just released their Readers' Choice - Best Heroes. So guess who was at Number 1? Go on guess... it was none other than our very own Guybrush Threepwood! Here is some of what they said:
Your number one pick was among the goofiest hereos of them all. Phrases like "complete dork" and clumsy apply nicely to Guybrush, but he's the big winner here today
Read Guybrush's section here. Many thanks goto Brian M. Benway for bringing this to my attention.

US PC Gamer Top50
CMI was listed as 38th in the US PC Gamer Top50 games. Just as an addition, in the last UK PC Gamer Top 100, the Monkey Island games were listed at #14. (think it was 14, or was it 12?) Anyway, thanks goto JedikTim for letting me know about this.

Music to my ears
You may have noticed that the SCUMM Bar now allows you to select which midi you want to play in the background, you will find the menu at the bottom of the sidebar to your left. Thanks goto DJG for this great little jukebox script!

13th Oct 1999 Still Not Official
MI4 Rumour (again)
More news to do with the MI4 rumours from yesterday. Adventuregamer got in touch with people at LucasArts.
Simon Jeffery assured me that he did not say Monkey Island 4 is actually in development at all, just that LucasArts may be doing another Monkey Island game if there is sufficient demand. The Danish reporter on the other hand, is absolutely sure that it wasn't a misunderstanding. He even recalls LucasArts employees speaking about the game when he visited LucasArts for a reportage.
Read the Full Article here.
12th Oct 1999 Not Official
MI4 Rumour
From a Danish magazine called PC Player, a little snippit of info about a possible MI4, this is what it said:
Simon Jeffery, from LucasArts, told me about a couple of the company's other plans, and I can with great joy report that they are working on a new chapter in the Monkey Island series!
Still nothing announced from LucasArts though... so we still have to take this as just a rumour. News snatched from The World of Monkey Island and thanks to Øystein Håland for emailing me about it too.

11th Oct 1999 Amiga rules, you know it
The Great Debate
Which is better, the PC or the Mac? This is the The Great Debate delt with over at The Unofficial Sam & Max Website.
After many, er, discussions on #monkey-island on the subject of Macintosh versus PC for LucasArts games (hi darth_phenom), I have decided to create this website to prove my point that all LucasArts games ported to the Macintosh have been equal, and often superior to their Windows/DOS counterparts.
It's impressive to see the differance in graphics between the two, MI2 on the Mac really does look nice. But (you knew there was a 'but' right?) the site only deals with the old games, in those days the Amiga could compete with the PC. Although I never did like the MI2 PC music, the Mac music failed to impress me too... they both pale in comparison to Amiga music used in MI2. Besides, the PC has CMI... now ;-)

News spotted over at Mixnmojo.

9th October 1999 Buenos Dias!
Sorry for the lack of updates... slow on Monkey Island news recently... plus I`ve been distracted by this great new game called X - Beyond the Frontier.

Mixnmojo Newsletter
Mixnmojo, our kind host, has set up its own Newsletter! So, if you want the lastest news about anything LucasArts related, be sure to sign up.

I`m considering adding the option to sign up to a mailing list, not for news, just for announcements. The reason? I feel guilty about so many people missing out on the Ron Gilbert Chat ;-)

Grimpuerto I`ve not updated the Fanworks section in a while, I`ll get to that soon. But for now, here is a great picture called Grimpuerto. It was created by Erik van Beekum and I was so impressed I just had to add it to the news section.

Problem? Then please e-mail Skyfox.

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"You look like a flooring inspector to me." - Melee Island Lookout