SCUMM Bar Quiz #12
Time for a new quiz! Quiz #12 has once again been put together by the Amiga master himself, Huz. (Isn`t he good to us?) I was able to score a reasonable 7/10.
SCUMM Bar Quake Level - Deathmatch Mutton has released a Deathmatch update to his SCUMM Bar Quake level. (see Dec 16th). There is a newer version due soon with graphical bugs sorted out, but it is much better for Deathmatch games and has many secrets. It even has the MI2 elevator and Melee Island alley... but can I find it? Nope! Can you?
Adventure Gamer top 20 - MI at #3 Adventure Gamer has listed Monkey Island at Number 3 in their Top 20 Adventure Games of All Time. What will be at #2 and #1? MI2 and CMI? The DIG? Day of the Tentacle? But better than MI? Surely not!
Monkey Stuff The Legend of Monkey Island has been updated with tons of new stuff, including Monkey Island Screensavers, MP3s, Icons and wavs.
ShawArts - Legends of LeChuck
For those of you interested in fan adventure games... check out It has new screenshots from it's fan game Legends of LeChuck.
25th Dec 1999
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Just a quick update to wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I would like to thank everyone who has helped make this year one of the best for the SCUMM Bar and Monkey Island! Shall see you all in the next Millennium!
All the Best
16th Dec 1999
SCUMM Bar in Quake!
SCUMM Bar Quake Level
Ever wanted to walk around the SCUMM Bar? See what Guybrush sees? Well now there is a Quake level to help you do just that! What can I say, Mutton has done an amazing job on this, I think all will be impressed. Here is what Mutton had to say:
"Thanks alot to Huz, DJG, and Skyfox for all their interest, help and support
from the very day they heard about it! And thanks to Huz for the
screenshots. Enjoy the level."
Thanks to Mutton for letting me test a few versions!
New Mixnmojo Site
New to the Mixnmojo community is a site dedicated to soundfonts. Called Soundfont Island, it helps you get the best of the midi music in the old LucasArts adventure games.
#monkey-island Scurvey (erm, survey)
Arranged by Mutton recently (he's a busy man this week) was a survey about #monkey-island asking various strange questions to people on the channel. To see the results go here.
Top 20 Adventure Games Adventure Gamer have what looks to be a really great article. Called Top 20 Adventure Games of All Time it will list what they think are the best 20, but also alows you to say if it will be in your Top 20. At the time of writing there are only two games... but if Monkey Island and other LucasArts games are not included, then I shall eat my (pirate) hat!
Meet the Indy3D team
The Official Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine Webpage has been updated with some behind the scenes interviews with Hal Barwood and Bill Tiller (Who was also responsible for the background art in CMI). Worth checking out if you are a fan of either game. News spotted over at Adventure Gamer.
Musical Monkeys Bart emailed to let me know that he has just finished mixing a tune based on the tune Jojo the Monkey played in MI2. You can find the MP3 over at his site.
Legends of LeChuck Narrative has a new game he is working on called Legends of LeChuck. Visit the website at for some screenshots.
9th Dec 1999
Mixnmojo Look
So, do you like the new Christmas sign? Cool eh :-)
New Mixnmojo Look!
Yep... everyones favourite LucasArts community, The International House of Mojo has been updated with a cool new look!
Posting Board
Due to life the universe and everything I no longer have time to moderate the Posting Board and spend many hours online. Thanks to all who have contributed over these past 3 years! Not to worry though... I shall still find time to update.
New Novel Part
Finally, an update to the Monkey Island Novel Adaptation is available for you to read! Be sure to let Chris Gerrard know what you think. Here is a small snippet from the novel:
The voices stopped, but Guybrush could hear footsteps getting closer. He tried to turn his head, but the fact that his whole body was presently resting on it didn’t help matters. The footsteps stopped on either side of him.
"Hey…" said one of the voices, which was now sounding a little like Bill.
"Are you O.K?" asked the other, which was now quite obviously Alfredo.
All the blood was rushing to Guybrush’s head, which didn’t help the throbbing in his forehead. He was pretty sure someone had just spoken to him. He ventured out with the first thing that came to mind:
"I’m Bobbin," he said, dazed, "are you my mother?"
Plunder, Plunder... how I wonder... Adventure Gamer was kind enough to send in some screenshots, again from Indy3D, which shows what looks like Plunder Island in the distance (or Monkey Island without the Volcano). How much more Monkey Island stuff can they fit in this game?!?
2nd Dec 1999
Barbery Coast in 3D!
Barbery Coast in 3D Screenshots
And you thought the old Skyfox was going crazy didn`t you? Well, here is the proof that the Barbery Coast is in Indy3D. Take a look at those photographs on the wall. Many thanks go to Dan for the screenshots!
1st Dec 1999
Watch that Site
Site Watch
Just a list of other Monkey Island related sites with some interesting stuff. If you haven`t already, be sure to listen to LucasRadio, it plays LEC related music (almost) 24 hours a day!